Advantages: mdt-point-cloud


MDT Point Cloud

PointCloud - Notice

MDT Point Cloud

Working with LiDAR and scanner point cloud data
Announcing the release of MDT Point Cloud, a new module that enables the users to view and process point clouds created by LIDAR technology or conventional scanners.
Points can be viewed in natural colour, intensity or category. The amount percentage of points to be displayed and the pixel size of the points can be controlled.
The quick profile option enables the users to get an immediate view on the profile which is on a reference plane and generated from a polyline drawn on the screen. The program generates an image consisting of the projection of points selected within a distance.More accurate results can be obtained by drawing alignments or importing them from files and computing profiles and cross sections.
Once the points are selected, the digital model can be created, and the result can be viewed on the point cloud and also be stored as a surface or mesh. All can be sent to MDT with a single clic.
This module requires MDT version 6.5 with release date after 18/12/2012.
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