Contours/Cartography\Import GIS

          Using this command we will be able to directly import n ArcView file and the program will ask us for the ArcView file which must have an SHP extension.

In addition, as well as the file selected with an SHP extension, there must be other files with the same name and other extensions which contain the necessary information associated with the file to be imported.

The image below shows the set of files associated with an SHP file to be imported.

Once the file has been selected, the following window will appear in which we can manage and represent the attributes associated with the file to be imported.

Drawing Layer: Layer on which the elements resultig from the import of the selected file will be drawn.

Draw Map: This option will be enabled by default and it allows us to indicate that the lines or polylines resulting from the file import are drawn.

Clean Layer: On enabling this option we eliminate all those elements to be found in the layer we have designated to draw the elements.

Draw Attributes: Furthermore, if this option is enabled, the attributes associated with the ArcView field and which we have selected previously will be drawn.

Available Attributes: These are all the attributes to be found in the ArcView fiel selected.

Visible Attributes: Set of attributes selected and which we wish to draw when importing the ArcView file.

Texts: In this section, in the event there is any attribute to be drawn, we configure their representation from the text height to their alignment.

          The result of importing an ArcView file with its corresponding attributes is then shown.


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