Cross-Sections\Get Skewed Cross SectionsGet Skewed Cross Sections\Stations to generate

Stations to generate

          In this section we indicate which cuts to generate, at which stations and what the angles of these will be. There are several groups of cuts or individual cuts, each one with its own angle. There are several ways to input this data:

Insert: A window is displayed to establish the initial station, final station, the interval between the cuts and the angle of this group of profiles. 

Edit: Edit the element selected making any modifications to its parameters. 

Select: With this option there must be previously-drawn lines indicating from where to obtain the cuts in the drawing in ground plan view. By clicking this button we select each one of these lines and the command to automatically calculate the station and the angle of each one. It is necessary in all cases that the lines cut the horizontal alignment.

Delete: Delete the entry selected in the list. 

Read: This option is used to read the information previously recorded with all the information on the cuts to generate.

Save: Click this button to save the information on the defined cuts in a file to be read later in another situation. 

Length of profile. Left: Length of the cut to the left of the horizontal alignment.

Length of profile. Right: Length of the cut to the right of the  horizontal alignment.

Cut lines: This option is used to set a limit to the generation of cross-sections. To do this, when clicking this button it will request a series of polylines that will serve as a reference for generating the cuts. 

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